    HomeHealthPoop instantly after constipation Read Guide

    Poop instantly after constipation Read Guide

    Constipation is a general problem that every other person faces. It is defined as a situation when you have less than 3 bowel movements in a week. It can also be when you face difficulty in passing your stool. The reasons for constipation may vary from person to person. And it differs from what you are eating, your exercise habits, sleep habits, and a lot more. It may happen even due to dehydration or when you are consuming less fibrous food. Do you know How to poop instantly after constipation?

    According to facts and reports, the whole gut range on an average is about 10-73 hours. But, in general, there is no set number of times for your bowel movement in a day. However, it is considered dangerous if you pass stool for less than 3 times in a week. So, today we will be knowing about some tips which will help you to poop immediately after constipation.

    Table of Contents

    Tips to How to poop instantly after constipation

    1.  Intaking of fibre supplement: Taking fibre supplement acts effectively in clearing your gut issue. Especially if your food intake is less fibre. Then, intaking these supplements will solve your problem to a great extent. Some examples of the fibre supplements which you can either through online or offline mode are:
    •  FiberCon is scientifically known as calcium polycarbophil.
    •  Citrucel is scientifically known as methylcellulose.
    1. A glass of water: Dehydration is always considered one of the major issues for constipation. So, having a glass of clear water or even a glass of warm water can effectively prove to be beneficial while facing constipation. Adding to this, according to researchers one should have at least 5 litres of water in a day. And, this will ultimately trigger your bowel movement.

    Poop Quicky in Morning

    1. Laxative stimulant: Laxative stimulants are designed in such a way that it takes approximately 6-10 hours to trigger your bowel movement. You can find these stimulants at any local medical shop. These stimulants are effective only when all other secondary causes of constipation are ruled out. And, no other tip is working out. Some of the tips are mentioned below are:
    • Senokot, scientifically known as senna sennosides.
    • Dulcolax, Correctol, Ducodyl, scientifically known as Bisacodyl.
    1.  Exercises: Doing exercises to poop instantly is a proven fact. You can go from light exercises to trying out some squats. These light exercises can be walking, jogging, or doing yoga. Doing exercises will increase the blood flow all over your abdomen and thereby encourage your bowel movement.
    1.  Natural remedies: There is no harm in trying out natural remedies. These natural remedies include trying out herbal tea or intaking some probiotics. Taking probiotics has been proven to increase your stool frequency. But it is always advisable to consult a doctor. Consumption of probiotics should be avoided in immunocompromised individuals.

    Coming to herbal teas and other traditional herbal soups. They have always given positive results.

    Other tips and treatments:

    Some of the other tips include trying out the colonic massage, intaking enemas such as water enema, sodium phosphate, soapsuds, etc. Then, you can also have lubricant laxatives such as mineral oil, and osmotic laxatives which include magnesium hydroxide, magnesium citrate, lactulose, and polyethylene glycol. Thus, try out these remedies which help you out with the constipation issue.

    Now, about these handy tips for getting relief from constipation. If you are not relieved from this issue then there are treatments as well, to get rid of this issue of constipation.

    For chronic constipation you can linzess, Amitiza, and Resolor which will make your stool softer. Thus, promoting regular bowel movements.

    Therefore, to conclude constipation is a general issue that can be solved by trying any of the above tips and if not, you can opt for treatment.

    Meenakshi Thakur
    Meenakshi Thakur
    Meenakshi Thakur, having 6 Years of Experience in Digital Marketing and Content Writing. She is free to write all type of niche content for websites and blogs. She am Passionate about all of the work! She like to explore latest tricks in the technical areas and develop case studies.


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