Routine Shampoo and Conditioner

Things you should know about routine shampoo and conditioner

Welcome women’s, Let’s find out some common routine shampoo and conditioner. As we all know that hair problems are very common nowadays. Hair care is damn important in today’s scenario. With so much pollution and dust around us, hair care has become an essential step. Just like we pamper our skin, we have to also pamper our hair. Irrespective of gender, hair is the real beauty for both men and women. And to maintain them is quite difficult but not impossible.

Routine Shampoo and Conditioner

There are certain things we should know about our hair. And these include how to comb the hair, whether trimming is necessary or not, which shampoo and conditioner might suit you, etc.

So, today we will understand what type our hair is, and what suits the best for our hair. Thereby following a routine shampoo and conditioner for our hair.


This is the first major step to plan a regular hair care routine. Understanding your hair type is a crucial step in deciding the next steps. So, try to understand the density, texture, and level of oiliness present in your roots.

By following some simple steps, you can decide which hair type your hair is.

Firstly, wash your hair normally with shampoo and conditioner. Let your hair dry for about 8-10 hours. It should be noted that you should not indulge yourself in sweaty activities which will make your scalp sweaty. Now, just use a tissue and rub it on your scalp. If the tissue appears oily then, your scalp is oily. If there is slight oil then your scalp is medium oiled. And if your tissue is dry, then you have a dry scalp.

But if in case, part of your scalp is oily, and another part is dry. Then you have a combination scalp. Now, you know how to check your hair type.


Part your hair in two equal parts i.e. do a middle partition. Now, check how much of the scalp is visible on the crown. If you see a thin line in the middle, then you have thick hair. But, in case you see too much scalp. Then you have thin hair. So, it can be said that knowing your hair type is necessary enough for further procedures.


Combing our hair is also an important step in our daily hair care routine. As improper combing can lead to severe hair fall, and hair damage. So, proper combing is essential. And it also depends upon what type of hair you have, i.e. straight hair, curly hair, or wavy hair. Always try to use a wide-toothed or boar bristle brush to remove the frizzes. To be specific, never invest in cheap material combs. As this will lead to more and more hair fall. Furtherly always wash and clean your combs every two weeks. So that no amount of dirt is there in the bowl. Now, you know the importance of combing your hair. You should now know how many times you should comb your hair.

For this, there is no such hard and fast rule. The only thing that matters is to keep your hair detangled. In case you have long hair, then detangle it before washing your hair. And lastly, never believe in the myth that brush strokes should be 100.

Now, you got to know how to comb your hair and your hair. We shall now move further to understand the emphasis of routine shampoo and conditioner.


Once you get to know about your hair type. Try to use a shampoo that suits your scalp and convert all those drawbacks into a positive ones. You can also go to a doctor.

Who will suggest you take into consideration your scalp’s loopholes?

 Because regular shampooing and conditioning emphasizes your hair. The shampoo is essential because it removes all the dirt, debris, odor, and sweat from your hair. It cleans your scalps on a deeper level and helps to fight hair loss. Because certain topical steroid shampoos will treat the psoriasis linked to hair loss. Adding to this, there are also certain DHT-blocking shampoos as well.

For normal hair, gentle shampoo is required to keep the moisture intact. To say in short, don’t go for regular shampoo as it will make your hair oilier. Rather opt for shampooing weekly twice.

Coming to the part of conditioning. Conditioning is essential for you to smoothen your roots, and avoid breakage. It should be applied from where you make braids and avoid it completely to your scalp because it clogs the pores. It nourishes your roots. It’s a process of rehydrating and shaft-strengthening. Though there are many conditioners available in the market. Be it intense repair, or deep conditioning. But only that particular one that suits your hair type and solves the issues. Now that you applied your conditioner, cover it with a shower cap and keep it for 10 minutes. After which you can rinse it off and blow dry if required. Proper rinsing is necessary with a designated amount of water.

Read More: best serum for hair straightening.

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Adding to this, you can also opt for a hair spa every two-three months. A hair spa is a three-step process that includes washing, steaming, and massaging. It is considered to be an effective treatment for hair fall, dandruff and dryness issues. Depending upon your hair condition you should opt for a hair spa. It conditions your hair deeply. Thus giving you a new look to your hair.

Therefore to conclude, it can be said that try different products, until and unless you meet your desired one. The one which will mark all your hair issues. And then use these products in your routine cycle. Because following a hair care routine is as essential as having good food. Also, you can opt for supplements such as vitamin E tablets.

Author: Racheal Lios
I am having 6+ years of experience in content writing and I am free to write all type of niche content for websites and blogs. I am Passionate about all of the work! I like to explore latest tricks in the technical areas and develop case studies.

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